high precision Titanium product with H5 screw thread

Product ID: 42188

Hits: 202

Company: Dongguan Comsem precision part Co.,Ltd

Keywords: H5 screw thread   /   Titanium product   /   high precision

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Five Advantages Of Products

  • we can make machining for Titanium products with high precision
  • the tolerance of the screw thread is H5
  • the tolerance of the hexagonal tip is 0.01mm
  • We can accept orders in small and medium-sized batches
  • competitive price and promised delivery schedule

Product Details

the material of the product is Titanium . and the size requirement is very strict , the tolerance of the inter screw thread is H5, the tolerance of the hexagonal structure is 0.01mm, to make sure that the assembly is perfect , the project is successful , customer is satisfied with the quality 
